A Spectacular 17th Century Scottish Mansion

A Spectacular 17th Century Scottish Mansion

Francis York A Spectacular 17th Century Scottish Mansion  5.jpg

Bargany House is described as one of the most perfect examples of a period mansion house in Scotland.

Featuring unspoilt and protected views of its surrounding 1200 acres of woodland, pasture, and gardens, the 8 acre Bargany Estate is set is set in Ayrshire county on the west coast of Scotland.

Overlooking the valley of the Girvan Water, with the river and its 18th century Grade ‘B’ listed Duke's Bridge running by the north of the house, the unfortified Scottish mansion is located at the heart of the lush Bargany Estate, surrounded by formal gardens and rolling lawns. 

Bargany House is approached through an impressive gate piers entry with a ¾ mile woodland road, passing an ornamental lake and rhododendron gardens. 

The Scottish estate has a rich local history. Bargany Keep was the home of the Kennedys of Bargany, who lived here from 1455 to 1631. 

Using the stone from the keep in its construction, the present-day Bargany House was built in 1681 for the Hamiltons, later Dalrymple Hamiltons, then later the Earls of Stair, responsible for the addition of its 3 wings in the 19th century.

 The property became derelict by the mid-20th century, first restored in the 1980s and again in the last 10 years by its current owner. The Grade ‘A’ listed mansion has much of its original period detail, seen in the original pre-Adam plasterwork and carvings throughout its magnificent reception rooms.

Restored into a comfortable and sizable family home, Bargany House offers 15 bedrooms (8 ensuite), 11 bathrooms, and amenities like a screening room, billiard room, home gym, and games room.  

An incredible legacy estate in the West of Scotland, it's easy to see why Bargany House has been treasured for generations. 

All photos belong to the listing agency.

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